
Urban Studio: Public Participation in Policy Making

Professor: Daniel Fusca
Course code: URB432H1
Format: Seminar with practical learning modules and a practical assignment for a real-world client

About this course

When we meaningfully engage people in the work of government we can improve civility, foster community, increase trust and accountability, and solve complex or controversial problems. But when we engage people in ways that feel rote or hollow, we often see the opposite effects. URB432 combines both theory and practice to give you a nuanced understanding of all the elements of an effective public-participation process, while also exploring how these processes and tools can be designed to be more effective and inclusive. This is a community-engaged learning course.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn why public engagement is a valuable part of any planning, design, or policy development process.
  • Understand the theory and practice of public engagement.
  • Become familiar with the basic elements of designing and implementing a community engagement process.
  • Develop your ability to apply this new knowledge both critically and creatively to support a real-world client project.

Course highlights

The studio element to this year’s course will be in support of a small Toronto-based consulting firm working on a real-world policy project in Owen Sound. Students will have the opportunity to learn about and support this firm’s unique community-based, inclusive approach to public engagement, which trains community members to run the process. You’ll create supporting materials, liaise with community members, support an event, translate engagement outcomes into actionable policies, and learn from the firm’s founder. A one-day field trip to Owen Sound in early November will be required.

Your instructor

headshot of Daniel Fusca standing in front of a map of Canada

Daniel Fusca

I love teaching this class because it gives me a chance to reflect on my own work and how it fits into the theory of public engagement, which I think makes me a better professional. And, I often learn something new from my students too. This year, I’m particularly excited about the studio client that I’ve got lined up and the exciting opportunity it will be for the students (and me!) to support an interesting community-based engagement project in such a hands-on way.

Good to know

Recommended preparation: URB235H1, URB236H1

Exclusions: INI432H1

Distribution requirements: Social Science

Breadth requirements: Society and Its Institutions (3)

Have a question?

Need more info? Want to discuss if the Urban Studies Program is right for you? Looking for help in choosing courses? Rima Oassey, the Innis College academic program coordinator, can help!